let’s get social.

It’s not enough to just be on social media!

You have to show up, be strategic, engaging, and also understand who you’re showing up for. You want to make sure that you’re creating content and knowing what your audience needs/wants in the moment instead of guessing what want.

With over 8 years of social media management and content creation experience, I can help you take your social media to the next level.

If you’re ready to step your social game up, feel free to contact me here.

Social Media Pages That I’ve Managed and Created Content for:

“What Can You Do?”

  • Content Creation

    You can’t have upgraded social media without upgraded content! Whether you need short-form or long-form video, static images, or just a few cleverly edited Tik Toks, I have the content creation skills to take your content to the next level!

  • Social Media Management

    To make sure your social media stays active you have to have someone do the managing for you. I can ensure that your social media channels are kept up-to-date and optimized for your business.

  • Social Media Strategy

    Having a plan is essential in making sure everything lands where it should. Ensure your marketing strategy is set by allowing me to curate your target audience, and content pillars, and develop a core process for growing your social media channels.

  • Community Management

    If you have a Facebook Group or an online group that you want to stay in touch with, but just don’t have the time, I can help you stay engaged with your leads while you do the heavy lifting of running your business.