the ‘DMQ’ special.

Ok, so you need someone to manage the entire marketing ship?

Well… you’ve met the right one!

With over 7 years of digital marketing experience in many different industries, with many different focuses, you can be confident that your marketing will be in top shape in my hands. This is what I love to do and I will make sure the marketing for your business is running like you have a whole marketing department’s support.

If you’re ready to step your marketing up, feel free to contact me here.

“What Can You Do?”

  • Website Management

    Your website needs to stay updated to ensure that customers, leads, etc are looking at relevant information at all times. Make sure your site stays up to date with website management on your side.

  • Social Media Management

    To make sure your social media stays active you have to have someone do the managing for you. I can ensure that your social media channels are kept up-to-date and optimized for your business.

  • Content Creation

    You can’t have upgraded social media without upgraded content! Whether you need short-form or long-form videos, static images, or just a few cleverly edited Tik Toks, I have the content creation skills to take your content to the next level!

  • Funnel Optimizing

    How is your messaging and lead process? Do you think that your customers are stuck and not finding what they need to make that final purchase? I can help you with making sure your customer funnel is optimized and valuable to your target audience.